Going grainless for good health
Jane’s guest today is the renowned health specialist Dr William Davis, a preventive cardiologist who advocates for natural healing through a revolutionary program of nutrition focused on microbiome restoration. He is the author of, among numerous other New York Times runaway bestsellers, Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back to Health. His devoted followers claim that they were able to reverse common conditions, get flatter stomachs and achieve optimal well-being by giving up grains, chief among them wheat. He is also the author of Supergut, in which he discusses the importance of gastrointestinal microbiomes for our health and beauty. Dr. Davis will discuss all this, and also why he rejects many of today’s established medical rules, including standard medications. (Note: Which, of course, no one should summarily stop taking without first checking with their personal physician.) All in all, Dr. Davis’ goal is to help us all get back on the beaten path for healthier hearts and bodies so we can look and feel Better Than Before.