A New You

Simple steps for personal growth and renewal

Jane’s special guest today is Dr. John McGrail, clinical hypnotherapist, best-selling author, self-improvement expert and much sought-after spirituality teacher, regarded as one of our country’s leading experts relating to personal growth and successful life transformation. His passion is for helping people overcome their at times debilitating fears, phobias, limiting beliefs, and other issues that prevent them from living life to its fullest potential. It has led him to develop a unique and powerful process he calls “Synthesis,” an amalgam of his lifelong study of the human condition. This unique and seminal technique is  featured in his book, The Synthesis Effect: Your Direct Path to Personal Power and Transformation and his newest book, A Better You in a Minute or Two. On this segment, Dr. McGrail will share a simple meditation exercise, as well as discuss the Synthesis Effect itself, and how it will help our listeners bring lasting physical, emotional, and spiritual change, renewal and regeneration into their lives using easy, doable steps—to enable us all to ultimately become Better Than Before. www.synthesiseffect.com

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